Significance of Test cases review and periodic updating (Product Point of view)

I have been in the software quality assurance industry and also worked as developer for period of time. As a software engineer i observed many things across the different product and projects.

For a Product A

  1. TC are added
  2. TC are added by team members who are on contract
  3. Contract is over
  4. Other employees are executing TC and not finding the relevant data
  5. W/out proper TC review it is waste of time

All the companies need to establish double check of TC which are written.

I strongly feel and believe that especially for product based company where multiple test engineers are working on the same product and product is in market for longer period of time then it is the most important decision to have separate test case reviewers who have strong understanding of product in and out.

Apart from that all the test cases should be checked and corrected at  interval of time to ensure it delivers what it says.

It also brings into notice that quality check is not the one time effort it is rather constant and continuous efforts to make it live same as the product code.

It will bring more meaning to product, less time to understand for new QA engineers and build more confidence around.

Feel free to share your thoughts on this.


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